Happiness is a state of being that, more often than not, is only in the mind. You can in fact control your mind into how you want to feel. This just proves the maxim, “Mind over matter.” There is no single person in this world who has no problems. Everyone does, may it be because he is about to be divorced, she was just fired from her job, he was left alone by his buddies, or simply because she is having a hard time choosing which cell phone accessory to buy. With all the life’s stresses we experience, often we forget how it is to be happy. Below are simple tips to turn your everyday into happy days.

1.       Take out the bad and bring in the good. Not everything that we experience can give us pleasure and comfort. There are those that will make us feel bad. Clear your mind and your heart of the things that does not make you happy. Also, you can do this in your own home. If the eBook accessory your ex gave you on your anniversary makes you nostalgic, just throw it away. Having a clear and clean mind creates a space to invite happiness into your life.

2.       Appreciate yourself. Every word that comes out of our mouths has power. Being consistently hard on yourself and claiming perhaps all the negative adjectives you can think of will only make you that way. Create a positive affirmation that can uplift your spirit like telling yourself “How a beautiful day this is,” and “Today’s going to be my day.” Believe in the power of words, for what we think, we become.

3.       Keep a happiness journal. Not everything that happens in our lives is stored in our brain. Due to the selective memory of humans, there are things that we will remember, and there are those that will just pop like a bubble in thin air. Whenever you feel happy, list it down. That way, you will be able to revisit your journal then reflect about how happy your life has become when the time comes.

4.       Meditate. The process of soul-searching requires complete serenity. Whenever you’re in a state of bewilderment, listen to your inner voice. The voice inside you can serve as your greatest companion to help you get through your darkest hours.

5.       Introduce change in your life. Nothing is more fun and interesting than having something new in your life every now and then. Truly, you take away the fun in things when you do them routinely. You therefore find nothing to be excited of anymore, or there’s nothing to look forward to. Simply put, too much of the same thing can cause dullness.

Happiness isn’t that hard to find; all you have to do is look around you, and there is so much to be happy about. You don’t have to take hold of the latest smartphone there is, even your cheap mobile phone can do for as long as you get to appreciate it. You may have heard this over and over again, but happiness is a choice. Only you can decide if you’re going to be happy or not.

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    Nick Selvig

    Nick is a man full of risks. He enjoys a challenge every now and then which is why even if it isn't his chosen profession, he takes it all in.