Believe it or not, there is a specific phobia for the fear of losing or even having your mobile device away from you in a certain time. It sounds a bit shallow indeed, but this one is actually a fact. Back in 2008, a group of researchers in UK coined the term “nomophobia” from no-mobile-phone-phobia. Nomophobics are those who feel extreme fear when separated from their mobile gadgets and devices. Just like any other fears, this one should be dealt with properly to get over it and live without any apprehension.

But first, you should admit to yourself that you are suffering from this certain condition. Upon admitting it, can there only be ways to make you face it. So, if you are fully convinced that you are indeed a nomophobic and it is already a bother, try doing these steps to get you over your nomophobia.

1.       Practice

No one can get over this overnight; you will be faced with a gazillion of hurdles before you can completely say that you are off your addiction and phobia. Therefore, you have to condition yourself first. Try a simple exercise everyday by having a “no cellphone time” for a couple of minutes. Let’s say that you allot 30 minutes of your day without your phone in your hands or any other gadget or gadget related items on sight like USB data cables, mobile earphones, chargers, and the like. Once you get used to that 30 minutes, make it an hour. When you get over an hour, make it two.

2.       Prepaid

Instead of getting a postpaid plan, use a prepaid plan, for this will give you a certain sense of control and limit from your mobile phone use.

3.       For smartphone users, it will be better if you turn off all your notifications. I’m quite sure that there are no such text messages or email that requires a fast reply. Believe me when I say that these emails and text messages can definitely wait. One more thing that you should turn off are your social networking site notifications. These are the primary culprit for anyone’s mobile phone addiction that leads to nomophobia.

4.       If your time and attention permits, keep your phone in a silent mode, so you will not be bothered at all times. This simple step has helped a lot of nomophobics in the world.

5.       Have a vacation. Unfortunately, your career had a big hand in turning you into a nomophobe. All the tasks to be accomplished and your boss reaching for you all the time are just some of the reasons why you can’t afford to be separated from your phone. On your vacation, try to stay away from your phone and your latest gadgets like your iPad  and just enjoy the new environment.

If you think about it, it isn’t that hard to get over nomophobia. All you need to have is self discipline, drive, and a strong motivation to push through.

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    Nick Selvig

    Nick is a man full of risks. He enjoys a challenge every now and then which is why even if it isn't his chosen profession, he takes it all in.