Feelings and emotions change. As a human being, we are subjected to feel countless sensations. Some people might think that feelings and emotions can be used interchangeably but technically there is a nuance between them. You can consult dictionaries to look up to their meaning. But for our purposes, feeling is an emotional state or reaction while emotion is a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others. For further enlightenment, a feeling is a reaction over a situation while emotion is something that can happen internally without the external influences.

Examples of Feelings and Emotions


·         Your younger brother is in your room playing and he accidentally stepped on your mobile back case—evidently it breaks. It didn’t take much long for you to find out. And since you have just bought that case, you felt frustrated with your brother. With much discomfiture, you scolded at him.

·         It’s your birthday! What could be happier than to receive a gift from your dear ones? So you opened that colorful box with ribbons and card attached saying, From Mommy and Daddy with Love. You even shook the box to check if you could guess what’s in it. Then when guessing is not that good enough, you opened the box with all your heart’s content and voila! It’s one of the latest mobile phones you’ve been dying to have ever!


·         We just so love to be in love, don’t we? The moment we wake up we can’t efface that smile flashing throughout the day when we receive the first greeting from the person we truly, deeply love. And then you sing: Just the thought of you can make me smile. And you just couldn’t remove him or her out of your head and the fact that you will be seeing him or her any time sooner—ah! Never fails to make you all giddy-up inside.

·         You missed your ex… What torture? You are still haunted by the feelings from the past. You tried to move on but then again, you are drawn to just scroll on the messages on your smartphone—leaving you more nostalgic and all. What’s worse than soaking yourself up with tears is when you are fighting over the idea whether to resist your urges from texting or calling him or her just to confess to your ex that you are still in love or just brush of the idea and wipe your tears to have some dignity—or save the dignity that is left.

We have feelings; we emote. But not all feelings should be expressed as of demeanor protocol that could turn out to be—with just a fine line—a misdemeanor. Emotions come from the mind as we dredge up memories from the past. What’s good with it is we take a hold on memories that was good and yet when it talks about pain, it’s another story. It’s not wrong to look back and dwell on the past. Just give it a glance and then keep looking forward. Suppress feelings if necessary if you know in the end that it can cause you a lot of trouble. Pour it out for common good; keep it in for greater good.

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    Nick Selvig

    Nick is a man full of risks. He enjoys a challenge every now and then which is why even if it isn't his chosen profession, he takes it all in.