Like it or not, there will always be a time when you will have a bad day. It’s true that you can’t control everything else around you, but this I know for sure; you can control yourself. Whether you’ve had a fight with your partner, scolded by your boss, broke your latest gadget, lost a hundred bucks, or simply felt like this is your unlucky day, then do the things listed below to turn your bad day around.

1.       Aromatherapy. According to Rachel Herz, an assistant professor of psychology at Brown University, “Odors do affect people’s mood, work performance, and behavior in a variety of ways.” Grab a grapefruit body wash or a cocoa butter lotion and take a deep sniff. Choose scents that have a soothing effect or something that will remind you of a tranquil setting.

2.       Wash your face. Splash cool water on your face to refresh yourself. Then get a warm washcloth and press it against your face to relax your senses.

3.       Look for an inspiring message. Grab a book to read or search an inspiring message using your smartphone. Understand the message clearly. Doing this will give you insights and allow you to ponder on new things.

4.       Look at the sky. Go out of the house for awhile and look at the sky. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly through your pursed-lip mouth. This will allow you to release the tension you’ve been keeping. You will then realize that your bad mood has just floated away—up in the sky.

5.       Call a friend. There’s nothing better than to have someone listen to you whenever you have hurts that you need to vent out. Call your confidant, whether your family or friend, and talk out your every concern.

6.       Reorganize your space. If you think that your mind is as messed up as your things, then reorganize. Keeping things in order might loosen your worries. This can also give you a chance to set your life in order.

7.       Check what the stars have to say. There’s nothing wrong in reading your horoscope from time to time. They actually provide you with some words to live by. Use those words of wisdom to garner some insight and guidance to help change your disordered perspective.

8.       Give yourself a treat. Satisfy your cravings if you have any. This will surely lighten up your mood.

9.       Take a nap. The time you’re awake only gives you a chance to think about the things that bothers you. Thinking about them will only get you sadder and sadder. Better yet, take a nap. You might be surprised that you will be waking up already feeling good.

10.   Cry. Never hesitate to let out your emotions and cry. It’s not good to keep your hurts within yourself. They might one day haunt you causing you more pain and misery. Cry them out to feel a sense of liberty.

It’s not everyday that you are happy. There will be times when things just seem not to go your way. Don’t let them bring you down. Instead, find a way to brighten up your mood by doing the tips above.

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    Nick Selvig

    Nick is a man full of risks. He enjoys a challenge every now and then which is why even if it isn't his chosen profession, he takes it all in.